This coffee is bold, juicy, and can be a bit in-your-face; akin to a blast from the horns section. This coffee’s notes of citrus and almond are followed closely by bassy dark notes of chocolate. A medium-body with medium acidity, this washed Colombian will be enjoyed by those who want to kick start their day. Beans from Colombia are a staple in the roasting world because of the consistent high quality of the green coffee from this well-established, coffee-producing region.
Big Band
PriceFrom $6.75
Price Options
One-time purchase
Set it and forget it! Get the same order every week.
$11.25every week until canceled
Set it and forget it! Get the same order every 2 weeks.
$11.25every 2 weeks until canceled
Set it and forget it! Get the same order every month.
$11.25every month until canceled
- Product Weight (dependent on roast & grind level)
- Small Bag: 250g - 300g
- Large Bag:
- Pint Jar: 160g - 200g
- Quart Jar: 320g - 370g
- Packaging: Econic compostable coffee bag or glass mason jar (local pickup/delivery only)
- Product Weight (dependent on roast & grind level)